A weather torn tarp did nothing to hold back the dozen or more active roof leaks that existed when Grace was purchased. A single car jack was the only brace holding up the 80 year old floor that was completely failing and the amount of mold and rodent feces that existed within the structure was beyond belief.
It became clear very quickly that a complete "gut job" down to the framing was the only option.
After major demo and securing the floor framing, a new roof was installed, followed by a completely new plumbing, electrical and central air system.
During the demo process, it was discovered that the original 80 year old wood floors and ship lap walls/ceiling still existed. All the original wood was cleaned and finished and now on display throughout the interior. Taking a walk through Grace is like stepping back in time with a modern twist.
Now complete, Grace served as a profitable Airbnb/short term rental for two years and is now an active rental on a year to year contracted basis.
Although majorly damaged, She provided a home for countless families for 80 years. Now
rebuilt She is, and will remain, a great home for decades to come.
Location: South Fayetteville, AR
Year Built: 1940
Year Remodeled: 2016-2017
Size: 627sqft
Timeline: 13 months
Remodel cost: $28K